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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Crisis. Afficher tous les articles

Hybrid Cars And The Energy Crisis

It has been said that not enough people are doing all they can to fight against the energy crisis. Hybrid cars can help, but maybe not enough people are driving them. Here are a few issues related to the energy crisis and how hybrid cars can help.

The U.S. isn't doing enough, really

The United States consumes the most fossil fuels in the world. However, most people believe that all of our energy problems can be solved if we would only look further into the oil deposits in Alaska or if we made full use of the recent oil discovery in the Gulf of Mexico. Hybrid cars make it so that we might not have to use other sources of energy to keep the economy going. Hybrid cars don't make Americans use an excess amount of fossil fuel. Instead, hybrid cars cause Americans to use less fossil fuel.

Energy consumers just swallow increasing gas prices

People used to care that gas prices are much higher than they were years ago. Now, people just accept the high prices. In the meantime, cars are getting bigger and bigger. Car manufacturers are making trucks and SUVs. These cars take in more gas, but you won't believe how many people just won't give up their dear old SUV. Hybrid cars end up costing people less to own than conventional cars do. So there's no need to worry about just settling for being swindled by the oil economy.

Soon there could be a termination of the "cheap oil period"

Soon, we could all be in over our heads because not only will we have an energy crisis, but a peak oil crisis as well. During the peak oil crisis, there will be oil shortages and natural gas shortages. Major countries will be competing against one another for whatever oil is left. So everyone may have some problems, and countries may battle over who gets oil and who doesn't. The peak oil crisis can be put off if more people just purchase hybrid cars. Hybrid cars don't make it so that people always have to look for oil. And there are advances being made to hybrid cars everyday.

The plug-in hybrid car for instance, might one day, not need oil at all at all

So in the event that we have an energy crisis, Americans should really use the time to bond and create a unified fight against conflict over oil in U.S. Hybrids cars are the way to beat the energy crisis, and if the the countries still start to fight each other over oil, at least America will know they tried to stop things by investing in hybrid cars.

So it's decided. The United States' mass use of the hybrid car might make it so that Americans need less oil. But Americans still have yet to gain from the large amount of money being made from hybrid cars. The majority of popular hybrid cars come from Japan. So Americans need to bring that money back into the country as well as do something about the current energy crisis.