What Luxury Car Brand Suits You?

Take a look around you, especially on the road. You will see a swarm of luxury cars from major car manufacturers gracing the streets. Whether cars have become cheaper or people are earning more money is a different discussion altogether. We are only interested in knowing what modern luxury car brand appeals to what kind of buyer.

Automobile market has been segmented according to buyer preferences. Cars belonging to the same segment will essentially have almost the same features with the only differentiating factor being the family they come from. Most major car manufacturers represent some buyer perceptions and it is the typical character associated with their brand name that compels the buyer to make a choice between vehicles that have very few differentiating factors.

If we focus on just three of the major car manufacturers, we would realize that they manage to produce similar luxury vehicles in order to cater to the market segments and yet maintain a unique character in those vehicles that is specific to their make and symbolizes their brand.

Mercedes - Benz: Arguably the most famous luxury car maker in the world, The Merc as it is affectionately called represents a prime example of German engineering. Being one of the first luxury cars in the world, Mercedes has a unique niche in the automobile world and its name symbolizes classic styling, grand presence and fine-tuned performance. The historical three-pointed Mercedes logo is the stuff most people dream about.

Mercedes maintains a unique character in all of their vehicles. Their vehicles are a blend of luxury, classic design, and attention-to-detail. Some people say that you can recognize a Mercedes from a mile away. Mercedes manufactures vehicles catered to different segments of the market and even while conforming to the requirements of a particular segment their vehicles don't shy away from displaying a character that is so uniquely Mercedes.

The Pundits say that your favorite luxury car is a Mercedes if you prefer stability in life and like to play it safe. That is probably the image Mercedes represents in the market today. People associate class with Mercedes and usually their vehicles are centered on a theme that oozes royalty. Since it is the most established luxury brand with a great reputation, buyers who like to trust the tradition and go with the flow are the ones who prefer a Mercedes.

BMW: These sharp looking double-grilled vehicles have a unique image in the market symbolizing the essence of performance in a vehicle. This is another German brand that is famous world over for cars that feature cutting edge dynamics and impeccable performance with unmatched styling. BMW stresses on performance and joy of driving in their vehicles. Their vehicles symbolize muscle and raw power. BMW styling is unique and what they make today, others make tomorrow. This is one brand preferred by buyers who like trills and love to take risks in life. It is for the aggressors who like to announce themselves when they arrive. Trendy would be the appropriate term for these vehicles as opposed to the classy Merc.

Audi: Although many would argue over the fact that Audi is not in the same league as the two stalwarts listed above, there are facts that suggest that Audi is even overpowering the two traditional rivals in terms of luxury car sales all over the world. Again a German brand, Audi has emerged as the choice of the young and the fearless. People who dare to think beyond established norms are going for the Audi. It is a breakaway from the tradition and that's what these people want. Audi cars are designed exquisitely and they represent the influence of latest technology over traditional machinery. These performance oriented cars are sporty and appeal to the modern buyer who is self-made, competent and confident. Modern ground-breaking styling and technology is probably the hallmark of Audi and they maintain it as their USP.

In my opinion, your choice of a luxury car truly depends on the character you associate with a brand name and its resemblance to that of your own. The opinion of the masses also proves to be a significant influence in your decision. Since there is very little to choose between luxury car models, it is your perception about the brand name that ultimately results in your choice.

Choosing The Right Luxury Car

How do you choose the right luxury car for yourself? I have bought cars, but it seems like picking out the right luxury car makes things a little harder. As a rule, I will be spending more money and will expect more form my purchase. I did some research and there are some things you can do to pick out the luxury car that is right for you. As with any product, the one that is right for you is the best one.

First of all, when buying a luxury car, don’t get in a hurry. Take some time, educate yourself, and get opinions from friends and experts on what you are looking for. Before you even go any further, though, make sure that a luxury car is definitely what you want. They certainly have their pros and cons like anything else, so just make sure it is what you want to do before you get too deep into things.

Next, figure out what kinds of options you want on your new luxury car. Once you know what types of options you want, you can begin to narrow down the selection of brand and model that offers what you need. Do you want GPS in the care because you travel a lot? What about power seats, heated seats, or seats with settings memory? Check the internet as well as car magazine articles to determine what is out there in the way of luxury and which of those things are what you are after in your new luxury car. Consider the basics as well like keyless remote, dual climate control, and even remote starter for the car.

Once you know what you want in terms of characteristics and additives on your luxury car, it is time to start looking into it further. Research heavily and educate yourself on all of the cars that fit. Brands and models have a great deal of variation in them as well as in their price. Look at body styles, the leg room, and the space and feel of the interior. Be picky; remember that you are buying a luxury car, so it is your right to be as picky as you want. Then, once you have picked out the manufacturer and model, you may want to look into what years were best and examine some consumer reports on how reliable your selection is. You certainly don’t want to go to all the trouble and then buy a lemon.

Plus grandes marques dans le Segment des voitures de luxe

Peu de choses dans la vie est comparable à la conduite d'un véhicule de luxe considéré au sommet de sa catégorie. Nous entendons souvent l'adage « Money Can't Buy Happiness ». Peut-être il ne peut pas vous acheter bonheur en soi, mais il sûr peut être vous dans le cockpit d'une voiture à moteur V12 avec un intérieur assez luxuriante pour la Reine d'Angleterre elle-même ! Voici une liste des marques de voitures de luxe dans le marché de l'automobile.

Mercedes Benz - c'est la première marque qui apparaît dans l'esprit de la plupart des gens, quand ils entendent le terme « voiture de luxe ». De nombreuses études ont montré que c'est la marque que la plupart des consommateurs assimilent à la qualité et de prestige. Pour 2011, Benz a donné sa garniture classe E une cure de jouvence avec nouveaux phares angulaires épurés et un look plus contemporain et élégant. Il est assez intéressant d'observer que de nombreux anciens modèles de classe C sont utilisées comme taxis dans nombreux pays européens. Cela témoigne de la longévité des moteurs Mercedes ; certains des moteurs sur les taxis ont approché quelques cent mille kilomètres ! Beaucoup de jeunes stars de Hollywood opte pour Mercedes ; sensation pop Britney Spears a été souvent vu provoquant chaos dans les rues de Los Angeles dans son Mercedes SL65 blanche tandis que l'actrice Lindsay Lohan a été impliquée dans un accident de voiture infâme dans son SL65 noir. La 2011 SL65 arbore un moteur V12 et un incroyable HP 604 avec une lourde MRSP d'environ environ de $199k. C'est beaucoup de puissance à semer les paparazzi avec !

Autos sportives BMW-leur sont connus comme « The Ultimate Driving Machine » et ce n'est pas exagéré. La différence entre BMW et le Benz, c'est que le premier a été conçu pour correspondre à des performances orientées tandis que ce dernier est bien tourné vers le conducteur et le confort des passagers. BMW viennent habituellement avec une suspension raide et spacieuse de hp. Le modèle Best-seller est de loin la série 3, qui offre des performance de qualité, de maniabilité et de puissance à un prix compétitif sur le marché d'entrée de gamme. Le modèle 335 est livré avec un moteur qui met un incroyable 300 pieds ch et 300 lb de couple. Mon favori personnel doit être au dessus de la ligne 7 Series, qui suinte de puissance et la classe ; le modèle 2010 dispose d'un moteur à huit cylindres avec 400 HP.

Aston Martin - leurs voitures sont tellement chics et sophistiqué que l'homme international de style James Bond peut être vu au volant de nombreux Aston Martin dans les films de Bond. Sorties stand remarquable dans la ligne incluent la V12 Vantage (qui offre une impressionnante cylindres douze pour le haut pouvoir!) et le nouveau V8 Vantage N420 roadster qui est une convertible rapide et magnifique avec belles courbes, lignes fluides douces et un total de 420 chevaux.

Infiniti - Infiniti est la ligne de spin-off de luxe de Nissan. Infiniti est assez nouveau sur le marché, en comparaison avec les acteurs traditionnels allemands, mais c'est déjà faire un impact significatif sur le marché en raison de ses voitures magnifiques et de haute performance. Le fabricant est réputé pour sa haute performance, ligne IPL qui est une alternative plus abordable à AMG ligne Benz et de la série M3 de BMW. L'avantage d'un véhicule Infiniti, c'est que ses coûts de réparation et d'entretien ont tendance à être généralement beaucoup moins cher que ses rivaux de l'allemand. En général, Infiniti est également plus à des prix compétitifs par rapport à BMW et Benz. Un stand out est le haut de gamme M56 qui est équipé d'un puissant moteur huit cylindres et 420 ch, avec le modèle AWD commence à environ $60k.